Cooper & Sons Painting have been in the Painting business for over 30 years. Over that time we have built our reputation on providing quality work at competitive prices with a work and service ethic we believe second to none.
Cooper & Sons Painting can provide same day quotes and quick start dates. (No two month waiting periods) and we can guarantee when we can start and finish a job.
Cooper & Sons Painting has been built on recommendations with continued repeat business over the years both in the Residential and Commercial sectors of painting.
Our clients have included Government Departments; Disability Agencies – both Offices and Outreach Care Facilities; well known Restaurants and Drinking establishments and not forgetting our mainstay of residential clients.
We are proficient in both modern and historical painting projects as you can see from our Photo Gallery.
No job is too small (from a Bedroom ceiling) to large apartment blocks or strata units, whatever your requirements we can provide you with a full and comprehensive quotation – so don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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