Monday 07 November, 2016
After months of cold and mild weather we are finally getting some warmer weather. No doubt there will be many air conditioners across Perth getting a workout shortly, making this week...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
The weather is already wet and wild this winter. Have you put your swimming pool to bed for the winter yet? There are a few crucial steps that you need to do first to prevent a swampy...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
A great garden can be a major asset to a property - or a major disaster. When planning your yard always keep in mind that poorly planned trees can cause damage to your house and headaches...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
I have to be honest here: I’m one of those strange Perth creatures who looooves winter. Give me a cold windy morning any day to wake me up and get me energised! Plus I get to...
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