Thursday 31 August, 2017
Using appliances at home is something we do without a second thought. However, it is important to remember that all appliances use energy, which means using them is pushing your electricity...
Thursday 27 July, 2017
Cooking is something we do in our kitchens every day, so we probably don’t realise how much energy is actually being used. And when we start cooking roasts and other warming...
Friday 21 July, 2017
If you are building a new home, then you are well aware of the myriad decisions that need to be made during the process. Floorplans, benchtops, paint colours, tiles… the list...
Wednesday 08 February, 2017
With the cost of water increasingly on the rise and the changing climate affecting our water levels, it is becoming more and more important to do everything we can at home to conserve...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Clear away the clutter in the kitchen with these space saving hacks.One of the areas of the home where we accumulate the most clutter is the kitchen.Between our non-perishables, our...
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