Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Our dogs are an important part of the family and we take them with us when we go out to the beach, to the park or just for a drive. But our furry friends are just that and as any pet...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
It’s going to be a cold night ahead tonight! Some of the best permanent ways to stay warm in winter include good home insulation, a handy heater and fixing up cracks and gaps...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
You might think it only suitable for your child’s arts and crafts box, but you would be surprised to know the number of uses for chalk around the home. This super cheap marker...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Are you looking to add a unique design feature to your house? A great way to add a bit of creativity and funkiness to your home is by decorating a wall with an original picture display....
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Gardening is wonderful but buying items like tools, soil, mulch, gardening gear and hoses can be an expensive enterprise. Fortunately there are a number of ordinary household items...
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