Thursday 23 February, 2017
Whether it’s the weather, ambient noise or simply the fact that sometimes our brains just won’t shut down, we’ve all experienced nights where we’ve had very...
Monday 20 February, 2017
Here in Perth, we are lucky to enjoy a temperate climate for much of the year. However, in summer and winter we do experience extremes that can make life at home less comfortable if...
Friday 17 February, 2017
If you are looking to lay new turf in your garden, make sure you do your research first to ensure that you are buying the best type of lawn for Perth’s climate. WA has different...
Monday 13 February, 2017
So-called ‘Bitumen Bandits’ are once again operating in Western Australia prompting a fresh Consumer Protection warning. In recent weeks, reports of itinerant driveway...
Friday 10 February, 2017
Are you constantly filling up your rubbish and recycling bins with food scraps, grass clippings and newspaper while wishing you could be doing something more productive with all that...
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