Wednesday 02 November, 2016
There are many occasions when the simple household bin is insufficient for your needs. Perhaps you are moving house, renovating or have replaced bulky appliances. Even if you happen...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
When you are relaxing in your chair outside with a glass of wine at the end of a long day, the LAST thing you want is to see is a furry blur as a garden rat scampers past your feet....
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
A great garden can be a major asset to a property - or a major disaster. When planning your yard always keep in mind that poorly planned trees can cause damage to your house and headaches...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Gardening is wonderful but buying items like tools, soil, mulch, gardening gear and hoses can be an expensive enterprise. Fortunately there are a number of ordinary household items...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
It’s wet and cold at the moment and so it’s perfect weather for a hot mug of soup for dinner to warm you up from the inside. One of our favourites is butternut pumpkin...
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