Wednesday 02 November, 2016
In summer it can be even harder to look after our garden as the sun gets hotter and the weather gets drier.In an effort to look after our plants and keep them healthy and green,we...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Get the most out of your backyard this summer by creating a low maintenance garden that will ensure your time is spent enjoying your backyard, instead of maintaining it. Prevent...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Local homeowners are encouraged to ensure their gardens can survive the hot, dry conditions over the holidays to protect their investment.With scorching temperatures already this summer,...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Right now as we all know it is hot hot HOT. I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly feeling scorched around the edges! And while the temperature is dropping slightly...
Wednesday 02 November, 2016
Now that we’ve passed the constant heat of summer it’s time to take advantage of the mild weather to get stuck into the garden. To take advantage of your backyard you really...
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