Growing your own herbs can be a simple and rewarding process – imagine being able to simply pop out to your garden each time you need some basil or coriander, rather than having to spend a fortune on herbs from the supermarket only to throw out what isn’t being used.
With Perth’s Mediterranean climate, spring is an ideal time to plant a number of popular herbs in the garden:
Basil – an annual plant, meaning it will die down in winter. However, seeds grow quickly and easily so planting at the start of spring will give plenty of time for a good crop during the warmer months. Make sure your basil is planted somewhere with good drainage and plenty of sun. Water your basil in the morning at the base of the plant to avoid leaf spots.
Mint – can be grown from seed, but growing from cuttings is faster and more reliable. Plant the cuttings when the danger of frost has past. Like basil, it will die down in winter but will send up new shoots in spring. Mint can be grown indoors and outdoors, preferring damp and partly shaded conditions. Water regularly to keep the plant healthy. Once well established, mint will grow for a number of years and can take over your garden bed if it is not restrained.
Oregano – needs to be planted in full sun and in a well-drained position. Make sure to keep your oregano well-watered and remove all weeds from the general area. Snails will be attracted to oregano, so make sure to take some measures to avoid this.
Thyme – a very tough herb that will thrive on neglect. Thyme needs good drainage and plenty of sun, but shouldn’t need much ongoing care.
Chives – grows easily from seed and is perfect for pots. Like some other herbs, chives will die down in winter but during spring they will bounce back and produce mauve flowers. Garlic chives will survive through colder weather due to its flat leaves.
Coriander – hard to grow during summer as the plant changes from leafy to seedy in hot weather. During spring and cooler months, however, you will have a nice leafy plant. Coriander needs to be planted in a sunny, well-drained position. It will grow well in both pots and garden beds.
Other herbs to plant during early spring include dill, parsley and sage.
For more information or advice, contact your local garden specialist.
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