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Posted on 03/11/2016

Gardening jobs for November

Gardening jobs for November

After what has seemed like the longest winter ever, we are finally getting some lovely sunny days which means it’s the perfect time to get out in the garden.

Here’s our list of top jobs you should be doing in the garden this month:

  • November is the ideal month to prepare your garden for the scorching temperatures ahead. Make sure you plan for those hot days by making some moveable shade cloth tents that you can use to protect any vegetables that may be sensitive to direct sunlight.
  • Speaking of vegetables, the best ones to plant this month include tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums, eggplant, zucchini, rocket, chilli and sweet corn.
  • Your lawn will need some protection over summer as well. You should be watering them deeply once or twice a week, which will encourage the roots to grow deeper into the soil where they can get more water on the hotter days. Apply a soil wetter and fertilise your lawn as well. You should also take control of any bare patches now by using a lawn repair kit.
  • If you want to add some new plants, look for those that are drought tolerant and that love the heat. Some good choices include Calendula, Kalanchoe, Petunia, marigold, Zinnia, Arctotis, Astelia, catmint, daylily, bottlebrush, Grevillea, lavender and Helichrysum.
  • If you grow garlic, it may be the time to start harvesting. If some of the leaves are turning yellow and the stalks softening, you’ll know it’s ready to harvest.
  • Those with roses will want to check them for any diseases like black spot and powdery mildew. If they diseases aren’t controlled they can lead to poor plant health and leaves can discolour, distort and drop prematurely. Grab some fungicide from your local hardware store to keep your roses looking beautiful.
  • Take control of weeds now to stop them overtaking your garden throughout the summer. This includes any weeds in your lawn and your veggie patch.

For more information or advice, contact your local gardening specialist.
