By Sara Fitzpatrick
The cooler autumn weather has set in and now is the time to pick up the tools and work in the garden.
Put in time and effort now and not only will the yard look neat and tidy throughout the winter months, but you will also have a head start for the main spring clean.
AMES Australasia gives us a guide to the ideal garden tidy up in four easy steps.
1. Clear the debris
If your garden is very green, then chances are you’ll spend a lot of time raking up leaves, which can fall on many surfaces. It’s important to remove fallen leaves from the lawn as soon as possible as leaves can become wet from rain and morning dew, then stick together and form a thick layer that will suffocate the grass and breed fungal diseases. These leaves can also be composted, so a heavy-duty garden bag is ideal for collecting any foliage waste.
2. Prune excess vegetation
In summer a garden can experience a lot of growth, so now is the time to prune excess vegetation and dead or damaged branches and flowers. Pruning also helps promote new growth, more flowering and fruit as well as create shapely, attractive plants. It also helps allow more light into the garden during winter. As a general rule, don’t cut more than a third off a plant.
3. Feed and tidy lawns, borders and garden beds
This includes getting on top of weeds so they’ll be less trouble come spring. Use mulch to protect plants over winter which limits weed growth, improves soil structure and shields from cold temperatures.
4. Get planting
Autumn is a great time to plant because the air is humid and soil is moist, and it gives the plant a head start coming into winter. Before planting, consider the layout of your garden as a good garden starts with a good design. Planting a tree or bulbs in the right spot where they get the best possible growing conditions means you can have a highly productive garden with a lot less work and a garden overflowing with colour.
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