When was the last time you saw the carpet in your child’s bedroom?
If your kids’ rooms always look like a cyclone has recently passed through, we are here to help with some clever storage ideas that will help make things look a little neater.
Now, to teach your kids to actually put things away…
Toy storage
Lego storage
Constantly yelling out in pain after stepping on a miniscule piece of Lego that has been discarded on the floor? Buy a trolley with storage drawers, label each draw by colour and there you have it – a handy storage system that will also help your child to learn colours. Courtesy of I Heart Organizing.
Teddy storage
Book storage
If your child has books strewn across the floor or hastily shoved onto bookshelves, simply buy some guttering from your local hardware store, attach it to the wall (or in the corner of the bedroom) and books can be displayed proudly. You can also take it that one step further by using this idea as decoration, by displaying the books by colour. Courtesy of Restoration Beauty.
Matchbox car storage
If your child is anything like my nephew, you more than likely have an abundance of matchbox cars strewn throughout the house. To help combat this, simply mount some magnetic strips to your child’s wall – your child can then have fun attaching and removing cars. Fingers crossed they will get left on the wall and not on the floor when it’s time to pack up! Courtesy of Bob Vila.
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