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Today's Building Services
Building Surveyors and Consultants
Did you know?
If you want to carry out building work on your land and you’re not a registered builder (known as an Owner-Builder) if the value of the work is $20,000 or more you must first obtain an approval from the Building Services Board, administered by the WA Building Commission.
A person who applies for an Owner-Builders approval must be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the building construction industry. There are several ways that a person may be able to demonstrate the required knowledge: experience in the industry as a tradesman, project manager or site supervisor; qualifications in building construction or a related field; or by completing an Owner-Builder course.
When assessing applications, the Board uses a point score system as follows.
A person with no building experience or knowledge can complete an Owner-Builder course which will entitle you achieve 60 points. This will allow you to carry out additions or renovations to your house. However you will need extra points if you are considering building your own single or two storey house from scratch. This can be achieved in various ways: examples include having already completed an owner-builder project in the past; some previous experience on a building or mine site; or occupational health and safety experience.
For further information about the point scoring system or how to apply for an Owner-Builder approval visit the Building Commission website:
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